About Me

I have been working with Chinese medicine for more than 20 years. I now run my own clinic in Hamburg, Germany, and within the London Acupuncture Clinic in London, UK, where I have been practicing for over 15 years.

Inga Heese

Published Articles

I have also published several articles which help illuminate how I work:


‘Learning the backbone of the medicine you practice – Chinese Herbal Medicine placement in China’

Register of Chinese Medicine Journal.


‘The egg factor: Using Chinese herbal medicine to improve fertility in a 45 year old woman.’

Journal of Chinese medicine (No 82).


‘The Treatment of Infertility in Chinese and Western medicine: a discussion’

Journal of Chinese Medicine, No 101.


‘How to improve a Chinese Herbal Medicine Practice – Lessons from some gynaecological cases’

Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine Journal Vol 12, No 1.

Herb for Chinese medicine

Editorial Work


'Pregnancy and Childbirth' by Debra Betts

Edited by Peter Deadman and Inga Heese


‘Female Infertility and Reproductive Gynaecology – A Comprehensive Clinical Manual of Integrated Chinese Medicine and Biomedicine’ by Prof Yuning Wu, Celine Leonard and Dr Michael Haebele


Study / Education


Diploma in Aupuncture, College of Integrated Chinese Medicine, Reading

Acupuncture school


Bachelor of Science (TCM) Middlesex University and Bachelor of Medicine (TCM) Beijing University

A five-year degree course in acupuncture. This included a six months clinical internship working in hospitals in Beijing.

For more details of my studies and particularly of my training in China please read the article below:

‘Learning the backbone of the medicine you practice – Chinese Herbal
Medicine placement in China’ Register of Chinese Medicine Journal.


Post-graduate courses in Gynaecology with Trevor Wing and Jane Lyttleton.


Post-Graduate Diploma Course in Dermatology with the leading Chinese medicine Dermatologist in the West - Mazin Al-Khafaji.

I worked in his clinic for three years after qualifying.